Mission Statement – our promise to you.

RaundTable Mission Statement

What we want to do.

At RaundTable, our mission is to empower individuals to enhance their saving and spending habits by leveraging and harnessing the power of social connections. Our ultimate goal is to guide all our customers towards fulfilling and meaningful lives, offering them complete and stable control over their financial circumstances. Furthermore, we aim for our customers to feel deeply connected, seen, and influential in shaping the trajectory of their communities through gradual and positive changes in their saving and spending behaviours. RaundTable is committed to being the catalyst that propels this transformative journey, armed with the right business model and capabilities.

Why we want to do this.

Our driving force is simplicity. We believe that maintaining a healthy savings balance should be straightforward, and cultivating positive spending habits should not be as daunting as preparing for the Olympics. Despite societal portrayals of financial well-being as an exclusive and challenging effort, we strive to reveal the simplicity of achieving financial goals with the right people and support systems. RaundTable aims to debunk financial myths, standing alongside our customers, acknowledging their struggles, assuring them they are not alone, and pledging unwavering support every step of the way.

How we want to do this

RaundTable’s strategy revolves around three core principles—Technology, Community, and Trust. We harness cutting-edge technology to provide digital platforms that are secure, user-friendly, innovative, and accessible. Simultaneously, we prioritise community engagement to align our offerings with their needs, recognising that trust must be earned. Our commitment is to deliver authentic solutions that solve real-life problems for our customers, transparent interactions, and responsive service by actively listening to and incorporating customer feedback. Technology, Community, and Trust stand as the guiding pillars and principles that will continue to shape and direct RaundTable’s path.

Who we want to do this for.

Our focus is on immigrants and all financially excluded or underserved community groups. Recognising the formidable challenges immigrants face, particularly in establishing financial stability and regrowing their financial history in a new country, RaundTable aims to provide a distinctive bridge to achieve this goal. While mainstream financial institutions may turn their backs, we embrace immigrants, international students, and financially excluded community groups by creating products that offer essential financial access and foster meaningful connections within their communities. RaundTable is dedicated to serving as a beacon of support, ensuring that no one is left behind in their journey toward financial well-being.