Your money deserves DIFFERENT.
Unique saving tool for unique people. Save with friends and family and access interest-free loans from trusted peers.
Your money deserves DIFFERENT.
Unique saving tool for unique people. Save with friends and family and access interest-free loans from trusted peers.
Happy Members
0 +
Active Tables
0 +
Members Savings
$ 0 k+

Regain control of your saving journey.

Whatever your goal is, we help you get there with your friends and loved ones. 

Create a habit of saving regularly and stick to it with the support of your colleagues.

Different Name. Different Countries. Same Benefit.

Our Story

For generations, people across the globe have tapped into the power of community by saving together to reach financial goals much faster. RaundTable is adding technology to supercharge a tried and tested method of improving your finances for yourself and your community. With just a few clicks, you can create groups, send invites and start saving with your friends and loved ones.

Wherever you’re from, Find your DIFFERENT.

Start your DIFFERENT saving journey with your not so different crew.

Everyday tool for everyday savings for everyday goals. Beat procrastination and impulse spending. Save regularly with friends.


Tuition Fees



Home Loan



Holiday Trip

A Community that Saves together... Stays together.

Save Together With Friends And Family And Borrow From Each Other At 0% Interest.

Already managing your savings group offline?

Put your feet up and let us do the heavy lifting for you


Simply invite your crew and we’ll do the rest – onboarding, reminders, initiating & recording transactions and group restarts – we’ve got you covered.

Hear from RaundTable Users – Success Stories.

Lorraine Registered Nurse, NSW

Fantastic app. I always found it difficult to stay on track with my saving journey 😔. RaundTable helps me to tap into the support of my group members to stay on course. Everything in our group is automated as well. Life is so much easier now 😊

Chen Mining Engineer, WA

Could not have asked for anything better. We went from managing our group with spreadsheets and Whatsapp groups. With RaundTable, forming groups is easy and we can see everything on the dashboard. Notification reminders - aswesome.

Tino Disability Worker, QLD

We call savings groups Rounds in Zimbabwe. I was so ecstatic when I heard about RaundTable. Me and my friends are much more disciplined with our saving routines and we can easily track our progress on this app. Love it 💟

Raj UI/UX Designer, VIC

This is amazing. We call them Chit funds in India. I am a bit of an impulse spender and regularly putting money away has helped me to stop unnecessary spending and put money away for my mortgage. I am much more careful with my spending now.

Sabrina International Student

OMG. This has been so helpful. Its so expensive to borrow small amounts. I introduced RaundTable to my friends and we have been able to help each other to cover basic needs when we needed to. Absolutely love it

A Saving tool that changes with you.

Saving or borrowing money should not be the same for everyone, every time.

We are here to help you find your own path.


Here’s How it Works

Download RaundTable Today!

Download the App and Register

Create Your Group a.k.a Table

Crew at RaundTable

Invite Your Crew

Savings with RaundTable

Start Saving

Different plan... same goals.

Choose a plan that fits your lifestyle and gets you to your savings goal faster 

Free Foeva

  • Table: 1 Only
  • Table Members: Up to 10
  • Contribution : Up to $250
  • PayOut Guarantee: No

Saving money does not have to be lonely.

Take small steps to financial freedom together.

Frequently Asked Questions

RaundTable is a mobile app designed to help you reach your saving goals faster by saving in groups (called Tables) with trusted friends and colleagues as opposed to saving alone. RaundTable also helps you avoid the cost of borrowing by allowing Table members to borrow from each other at no interest.
By savings in groups and creating a habit of regularly saving, you improve your chances of reaching your saving goal faster. You also get a chance to borrow from your trusted members at 0% interest and kick away impulse spending by creating a structure around your saving habit. You will also have access to your team members' motivation and support and can improve social connections within your group.

When you join or create a Table, you and your group members agree to work towards a saving goal by making set contributions regularly. You also agree to take turns to share the contributed funds by following an agreed receiving order. When you receive your PayOut (which consists of funds contributed by other members), you repay these funds over time as you make your regular contributions. Other members will also receive their PayOut of contributed funds and they will repay the payout as they make frequent contributions as well. Once all members have had an opportunity to access the payout, the Table ends. You can decide to restart the Table or form a new Table with different members. If you decide to restart the group with the same members, the receiving order will usually rotate so that members who received the PayOut last can access earlier receiving positions in the new Table. The Table leader can also re-arrange the receiving order with the approval of other members.

To become a member, you must be an individual who is at least 18 years old, must be capable of entering into a binding agreement and must have an active Australian Bank account. You must be in Australia to use our services.

You will receive a text message with an invitation to join a Table. We will require you to download the app and complete the registration process if you are not an existing member of RaundTable. If you are an existing member, you will receive an in-app notification, in addition to the text message.

You must review all members of the Table (both current and invited) and ensure you are comfortable with participating with these individuals before joining. You must also review the Table Start Date, Contribution, Frequency(how often you will be required to contribute), and Table End Date and ensure you will be able to comfortably meet the requirements of the Table before joining. If you do not agree with any of the details of the Table, you must not join the Table.

Still have questions?
Get in Touch

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