
RaundTable is a mobile app designed to help you reach your saving goals faster by saving in groups (called Tables) with trusted friends and colleagues as opposed to saving alone. RaundTable also helps you avoid the cost of borrowing by allowing Table members to borrow from each other at no interest.
By savings in groups and creating a habit of regularly saving, you improve your chances of reaching your saving goal faster. You also get a chance to borrow from your trusted members at 0% interest and kick away impulse spending by creating a structure around your saving habit. You will also have access to your team members' motivation and support and can improve social connections within your group.
With RaundTable, you can access a list of the members in your Table. You can also view both your personal and group saving goals and track each goal’s progress in real-time. You can also access records of each transaction and friendly reminders of due dates within your group. The mobile app will also provide notifications of activities in your group such as when a member accepts an invite to join your Table or when your group has reached a saving milestone.

When you join or create a Table, you and your group members agree to work towards a saving by making set contributions regularly. You also agree to take turns to share the contributed funds by setting a receiving order. When you receive your payout (which consists of funds contributed by other members), you repay these funds over time as you make your regular contributions as agreed. Other members will also receive their payout of contributed funds and they will repay the payout as they make frequent contributions as well. Once all members have had an opportunity to access the payout, the Table ends. You can decide to restart the Table or form a new Table with different members. If you decide to restart the group with the same members, the receiving order will usually rotate so that members who received the payout last can access the earlier receiving positions in the new Table. The Table Leader can also change the receiving order with the approval of other members


A Table Leader is the person that creates the Table and invites others to join. A Table Leader is also responsible for discussing with other members how much should be contributed, receiving positions, frequency of contributions and any other issues related to that Table.

Yes. Members can change the Table Start Date and Contribution amount before the Table starts. The Table can make these changes after discussing and agreeing with all members. Once made, all members will receive a notification to accept the changes made.

Frequency is how often you are required to make a contribution to your Table. This can be Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly.
You must only invite people you know, trust, and have a social or professional connection with.

By default, the Table starts 3 standard days from the date of creation to ensure there is adequate time to invite other users and make any changes required. You can also set a different start date. However, the start date of any Table must not exceed 30 standard days from the date of creation.

You will receive a text message with your invitation to join a Table. We will require you to download the app and complete the registration process if you are not an existing member of RaundTable. If you are an existing member, you will receive an in-app notification, in addition to the text message.
You must review all members of the Table (both current and invited) and ensure you are comfortable with participating with these individuals before joining. You must also review the Table Start Date, Contribution, Frequency, and Table End Date and ensure you will be able to comfortably meet the requirements of the Table before joining. If you do not agree with any of the details of the Table, you must not join the Table.
All Tables must have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 members.
You can be a member of up to 3 Tables at any given time.

You can contact our Customer Support Team via our website or social media pages, and we will contact you to assist you further.

Closer to the end date of your Table, you will receive an invitation to renew your membership. You can accept or reject to renew your membership in your Table.

Your membership will not be renewed in that Table once the end date passes. You will be removed from any Table you have not renewed membership one day before the restart date.

We will assign a "pending" status to any Table that has ended but is waiting to restart. By default, all Tables restart 3 standard days after ending. 

Yes. We assign a "pending" status when your Table has ended but is waiting to restart. During this period, you can make changes to your Table.

No. You will not be able to invite new members after the Table has started. You can only invite new members before the start date or before the restart date.

We pause a Table if we unsuccessfully attempt to process a contribution using your PayTo agreement or if a member of an active Table has canceled a PayTo agreement. We will also pause your Table if it has less than 3 members when the start date arrives. 

All members will be assigned a receiving position in the order they join a Table. The Table Leader can also edit the receiving order after discussing and agreeing with all members

Yes, you can send a swap request from the Table Dashboard. You can only swap receiving positions with members that have not yet received their payout.

You can cancel your membership by contacting us using the details provided on our website or in our mobile app. It is important to note that cancelling your membership before your Table ends may incur administrative fees and you will be required to repay funds other members have shared with you before you can cancel your membership. Before joining a Table, you must ensure you understand the commitments of your Table, including how much you are required to contribute and for how long and make an informed decision. We also recommend that you discuss with your Table members about your intention to cancel before contacting RaundTable.

RaundTable may revoke your membership if you breach our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. You must carefully read our T&Cs and Privacy Policy on our website and ensure you fully understand them before becoming a member.


RaundTable deducts your Contribution using a PayTo agreement you would have created and authorised when you created or joined your Table. RaundTable will deduct the Contribution on the due date listed in your Table. We will send you a reminder a day before your Contribution is due.

PayTo is a digital alternative to direct debit that allows you to set up payment agreements with us and allows you to make contributions to your Table when they are due. PayTo are managed directly within your banking app or internet banking where you can review, authorise or cancel PayTo agreements.

Depending on the bank you use, it may take up to 24 hours. We will send you a notification once your Payout is processed.

The funds you contribute are stored in a virtual account provided by the registered payment services provider we use to process your Contribution. The virtual account is safe, secure and is separate from our other business accounts. RaundTable employees do not have access to the virtual accounts that holds your contribution funds.

We will pause the Table if you cancel your PayTo agreement before your Table ends. All members of an active Table must have a valid PayTo agreement. We will not activate the Table until you re-create another PayTo agreement

Yes. However, we may ask you to provide additional information to support changing the bank details. Our customer support team will assist you with the process.

We will pause the Table and notify all members regarding the pause. We will also notify you of the failed transaction. You may add funds to your account and let us know to retry the deduction. 

No. We require you to have a single PayTo agreement for all Tables that you belong to. If you join additional Tables, we will prompt you to amend your existing PayTo agreement to include the additional Table you have created or joined.

Group savings are more successful if you participate with people you personally know, trust, and have social connections with. Saving groups thrive when members trust and know each other. That is why we strictly recommend that you only add trusted friends and colleagues to your group.
You can check the next contribution date on your Table Dashboard. We will also send you a reminder 24 hours before the payment is due.

No. We can only deposit your payout into the same bank account you used to pay your contribution.


RaundTable uses the most up-to-date security practices to ensure we safely store your data. We have the highest regard for your privacy, and we routinely evaluate our security practices to ensure we stay up to date. If you suspect that someone has compromised your account, please contact us immediately for further assistance.
No. Other members of your Table do not have access to your personal information. All members have access to Table information such as contributions made, or payouts made within that Table.

Customer Support

You can contact us using the details provided in our website or mobile app.